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Third Grade Links

Parts of Speech


Shoot the asteroid that has a word that matches the part of speech given


Sortify Brain Pop

Sort the words into the correct sections and choose the correct label

Plural Battleship:

Choose the correct plural noun--does contain irregular plurals

Verb Viper:

Find the verb that matches the subject given


Adjective Adventure:

Click on the spider with the adjective to feed it a fly


Past Tense Game:

Choose the past tense form of the present tense verb given


Panda Parts of Speech:

Choose the correct part of speech for the highlighted word

Language Arts

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Turtle Diary Collection:

Collection of various Language Arts skills activities.

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Room Recess Activities:

Work with synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms


Language Arts UEN:

Work with synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms

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Filter activity choices to Grade 3 and Language Arts

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Context Clues:

Use sentence clues to determine the meaning of the underlined word



Water Cycle:

Click on the parts of the water cycle

NASA Space Place:

Collection of space activities and information


Create a path using the parts given


Using the parts given, help the ball make it into the cup


See real time weather for the entire United States

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Solar System Maker:

Create your own Solar System


Boat Coordinates:

Move the boat by entering coordinates

IXL Coordinate Graphs:

Find the shape at the given location

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Splash Learn Coordinate Plane:

Find the shape at the given location

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Hit the Coordinate:

Find the correct location within the Coordinate Plane


Coordinate Bees:

Find the shape at the given location

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Coordinate Alien Attack:

Enter the correct coordinates to launch the rocket

Money & Place Value

Cash Out:

Make change for each customer -- with difficulty options


Learn to Count Money:

Three levels of money counting practice

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Lunch Lady Math:

Add the total cost of each lunch before time runs out

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Garage Sale Wizard:

Choose the person offering the highest price for your item


Place Value Pirates:

Choose the correct pirate that matches the place value

Quia Matching:

Match each number to its extended form

Math Facts

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Math Trainer:

Practice different math facts

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Online Fact Flashcards:

Practice different math facts


Math Facts Pro:

Practice different math facts

Becoming Lord Voldemath:

Basic practice for math facts with a Harry Potter twist


Crossing Math Canyon:

Practice multiples of single digit numbers

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An excellent resource to practice multiple math skills--activities do not need to be completed in specific order

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